Around Town

Around Town provides a daily recap from Marcia Blondin, Vallarta Mirror Editor. Blondin, a Canadian expat who has lived in Puerto Vallarta for over 30 years, spends her days extolling the virtues of the city she loves. She is an environmentalist in her lifestyle, artistic endeavors, the clothes she wears and the love she shares.

View a map of the places Marcia writes about.

  • Another Weekend Awaits
    Another weekend awaits just around the corner. Are we staying at home being quiet? Hell, no! First thing tomorrow, right after a visit to my Herbalist Ricardo Mazcal at his Weekend Artisan market on the Isla Cuale, I will attend #4 Voice Workshop at Act2PV Theater, led by Maestro David…
  • ‘Greatest’ Rock in Puerto Vallarta
    Whoa! Christmas is five months today! We will be bundled in sweaters and complaining about the chill in the air. Remember our summer months then with affection if you can! Anyone watching Sharon Gerber Scherer and I play Scrabble together would think we really didn’t like each other much. Each…
  • Poutine and Mango-less Smoothies
    It’s Scrabble day! 12:30 at Qulture if you can join us for this fun-filled, brain-stoking, full-contact sport. Well, two out of three… I had another first for the year yesterday with my dear Sandra Bradley; you can read her metaphysical writings weekly in Vallarta Mirror. We went to Vallarta Factory…
  • Pizza and Casa Karma Chatter
    Pizza is an excellent way to kick-start the week, so Georgia Darehshori and I met at the Vallarta Factory to share one of those, along with mango smoothies. Most of our chatter centered around The Arts in town and what will happen at her spectacular villa, Casa Karma, this summer.…
  • The Best Effie Has Ever Been
    For nearly five years, I have been saying the same thing, “That was her best concert YET!” after every performance in Vallarta, and the consensus is the same. Nobody argues and says, no, no, last week at The Palm Cabaret was better because…blah, blah, blah. However, that may change in…
  • Energies Mixed in Perfect Chemistry
    Ah, Gloria Fiona. Last night’s concert was one of those gentle rarities when all the energies mixed in perfect chemistry, creating one of the most intimate, loving concerts ever held in Act2PV‘s Casa Karma Red Room. Her voice, stories, gestures, and gorgeous smile welcomed the audience into her very soul,…
  • Another Greatest Show
    Another Greatest Show last night at Act2PV, another notch in performer Cate Valcic’s Producer’s belt. Every week, the show gets a little tighter, with different singers performing solos and duets that are unusual genres, genders, genuinely interesting, and sometimes hilarious. Last night’s duet “Suddenly Seymour,” from Little Shop of Horrors,…
  • Chia Seeds and Pro Wrestling
    It is a picture-perfect morning – not a cloud and no humidity. The beaches will be packed; drink lots of water, people! Singer Marco Camacho (La Catrina Cantina and Garbo’s) and I went to the tianguis in Coapinole and spent more than 2 hours hunting for treasures. Marco found a…
  • Catching the Lovers Duo at Casita & Garden
    It’s Tuesday, and it’s not raining, so Coapinole Tianguis, here I come! I haven’t been since Patrice returned to Canada, so it’ll be fun and interesting—a full report in the morning. Last night, I walked over to Casita & Garden to catch the Lovers Duo, which consists of just two…
  • Open Mic, Smoothies and Bingo
    What a perfectly glorious morning with an almost clear sky and no rain last night. Today should be the actual start of rainy season, where we have a knockdown drag-out, terrifying storm, with rain so hard you can’t see across the street. Right now, it doesn’t look like the sky…

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