Art Convention: A Stage Comedy by Alejandro Balderas
Art Convention, a mimed comedy in which Alejandro Balderas impersonates nine different characters, seven of whom are art critics from around the world talking about ‘Yellow-Red-Blue’ (1925), the most iconic painting of Wassily Kandinsky.
Previously a SMASH HIT show on the Incanto stage, Alejandro Balderas is an actor from Mexico City with years of performance experience. Presented in English, French, Italian, German, and Chinese, this is a full hour of laughter and good theatre. Alejandro is the son and brother of entertainers Maria de Los Angeles and Eva & Mau.
Yellow-Red-Blue was created by Wassily Kandinsky in 1925. The primary colors on the painting feature squares, circles, and triangles, and there are abstract shapes mixed in with these. There are also straight and curved black lines that go through the colors and shapes. This is to help provoke deep thought in the person viewing the piece.