Colina Charity Bingo – Last of the Season
What??? Oh no, say it isn’t so. Yes, My Precious Ones. THIS Wednesday is the Final Colina Charity Bingo for this season’s go’round. We will resume in September. Please join us if you can at Nacho Daddy’s. Bingo starts promptly at 4:00 upstairs with A/C. Great prizes, great cause, great food, drink and entertainment. Did I mention A/C?
The Colina Free Spay and Neuter Clinic has been servicing the community for over 11 years and sterilizes 20 cats and dogs every Saturday. Our numbers to date are well over 11,000 surgeries performed. We are a totally private charity and survive on donations. Please consider joining us this Wednesday or even contacting us to see about making a donation whether it be monetary, medical supplies or even helping with animals that were not intercepted in time and need Fosters or Permanent Loving Homes.