Vallarta Anniversary at La Catrina Cantina

Last night, a few of us converged on La Catrina Cantina to listen to Patriz sing some of her fave songs while brother Artemis caught up on some texts and mom Selena welcomed each one of us. Together we celebrated their second anniversary of moving to Vallarta.

We all remember that day. The first time we stepped out of the icy cold airport into the tropical muggy air, that deep hug welcomed us to our new home. Part absolute exhilaration – the other part, terror.

But here we are, our gorgeous and loving expatriate community, welcoming one another, helping the newbies settle in, reaching further into our adopted city, sharing our resources, and creating one helluva extraordinary lifestyle.

Yesterday, the city released some numbers of the economic impact the gay community had on Vallarta last year. Two million LGBTQ+ tourists visited Vallarta in 2023, leaving 17 BILLION pesos behind. That represents nearly half of our tourism revenue. Thanks to Jerry Jones, owner of Out & About Puerto Vallarta, for sharing that information.

Tonight is a flamenco extravaganza at Moonshine Theatre at ART Vallarta. The show starts at 7:30, up the hill from the Andale’s, past The Swedes, and left at the top of the Olas Altas hill.

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