Authentic Flamenco Experience

And here it is, Friday again. We must be having fun, people; the days are barely countable, and then another one arrives! Last night could have gone on for days as far as the audience at Moonlight Theatre was concerned.

Azafran is an authentic Flamenco Experience: Juan Ramirez, guitar and vocals; Daniel Renteria, cajon, backup vocals, and palmas; and then there is Sol.

Sol Maria is an exact portrait of a flamenco dancer. Shut your eyes, paint a picture of a quintessential Spanish dancer, open them, and there she is—tall, willowy, lean, strong, defiant, in red ruffles with a matching fan, dark hair, flashing brown eyes, and perfectly lovely.

This trio is so tight that there was not a single misstep or beat left over—it was absolute precision. The acoustics in this tiny theatre are excellent, and I was struck by how clearly I could hear Sol’s hands brushing against each other; even her earrings made tiny sounds when she twirled on the worn box under her feet.

The artistry was mesmerizing; the only things missing were a roaring bonfire and some Spanish brandy being passed around and taken straight from the bottle. The show lasted ninety minutes without a break—a spellbinding, spirit-lifting, heart-pounding gypsy music festival.

Bravos to Azafran, Selena Luna, and her crew at Moonlight Theatre and ART Vallarta for providing an intimate evening of music and dance with no distractions—just pure, raw, gorgeous energy and immense talent

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