Pop-Up Concert; Season Closing at The Palm

Last Friday afternoon, festivities started with a pop-up concert at La Catrina Cantina with Spencer Day and Luis Villanueva. It was absolutely fantastic! They only had a few hours to rehearse, but the result was 90 minutes of gorgeous vocals, superb duets, tons of laughter, and interaction with two great entertainers that the audience adored.

I love the ‘end’ of season in Vallarta; all the hoopla dies down and we are left with fabulous, often spontaneous concerts that leave us breathless. Check VallartaCalendar.com daily to see what surprises are in store for those here year-round.

David Sabella, the new General Manager at Act2PV Theater, threw a cocktail party in the remodeled Ovation Bar and invited a few local business owners over for drinks to introduce himself and his dreams for the future of Vallarta’s most extensive entertainment complex. After a lifetime on and behind the scenes on New York City’s stages and many others worldwide, David plans to bring his talented friends to Vallarta to perform; exciting personalities, to be sure. Stay tuned for (big!) names and dates!

I had mango smoothies with Georgia Darehshori late Saturday afternoon. It was lovely alone time with her. She went home for a nap, and I continued to Arte Vallarta Museo for their First Saturday of the Month fiesta. The food looked delicious, and, of course, the wine flowed. It was so nice to casually spend time checking up on summer vacation plans with friends. I had to leave early, just as dear friends arrived, to not be late at The Palm Cabaret for their closing night.

Holy cow, what a party!!! It was The Palm’s most successful season ever, with sold-out shows being the norm rather than the exception. Every year – and number 25 is coming up! – they get better and better. Nacho Granados emceed as only he can; so funny and such an integral part of the Palm’s onstage superstructure. As is Chris Lopez, Roy Cruz, Daniel Celis, and Hueco Colectivo. Extraordinary newcomers sang – Eva Jimenez, Waleska, Jordon Carnegie, and Mama Tit’s powerful voice brought the house down. Odd and beautiful mashups worked: Roy and Nacho, Jordon and Eva, Prescott Seymour and Mark Hartman(!), and an all-male pas de deux from Swan Lake. Like I said, what a party! The sold-out, standing-room-only, with a waitlist of people lined up outside the doors, gave 1,000 pesos per ticket to the Gay+ Community Center. This is typical of the Palm, starting and ending their seasons with a charitable organization reaping 100% of ticket sales. Well done, Matt Karimi and Pedro Lopez!

The Palm also announced the upcoming opening of its new theatre, The Coco Cabaret. Stay tuned for details—Palm owner Adriana has promised me a tour as soon as possible!

Some quiet time was in order Sunday morning as David Duvall and I sat over mango smoothies discussing the past season and his terrific Composer Series, which ran monthly in the Casa Karma Red Room. I was so happy to introduce David to Roy Cruz, whose Freddie Mercury shows at The Palm are amazing, and to thank him for his wonderful performance the night before at the Palm’s closing. I am so blessed to call these talented people my friends.

And now, boys and girls, I must go shopping, then head to the airport to pick up my sister! Clear a path, Vallarta, she’s baaaaaaack.

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