A Benefit for Mercurio Hotel at Act2PV

Benefit #2 for Mercurio Hotel staff got underway at Act2PV Theater‘s Main Stage yesterday afternoon. I was so happy to see Georgia Darehshori who has returned from a Month of Medicals in NYC. She looks remarkably well considering the battles she has endured. Only love and healing from here on in, eh, Georgie?

The Edgar Sanchez production featured Miss Fifi and Gaby Heart as emcees, auctioneers, and, of course, entertainers! Brenda Gaviño and Sarah Joy gave us an amazing taste of their classical sides with a fabulous aria I did not recognize. Luis Villanueva belted a couple of George Michael tunes, so perfect for his voice.

Paul Crist was in the audience and gratefully accepted the monies raised for his staff. Thanks go to Act2PV for giving their stage and tech crew to Edgar Sanchez to quickly put together this benefit. Kudos to the performers who donated their talent to the cause. And for those who attended, proving again the kindness of our expat community. And to Paul Crist – we love you, dearly.

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