The sun came out yesterday and made me so happy. My patio and comfy chair beckoned – even my kitty Bogie requested some sun time. But there was Scrabble to lose to my excellent opponent, Sharon, who has decided to create the best sourdough bread in Vallarta. In exchange for being her willing guinea pig,…
Author: Marcia Blondin
What a night at Casa Karma, sitting on the labyrinth under a cloudy but dry sky, nibbling some lovely canapes, and watching Nahuales unfold at the edge of the sea. The dancers/acrobats are all strong, lithe and completely without bones, wrapping themselves around one another in complicated choreography with a few strength moves that were…
It has been raining for hours, steadily, with no pyrotechnics. It should stop when the sun comes up; I see the Church clock is broken again and wonder how long it will be 9:08? Yesterday was auspicious for the Florida Panthers and their first Stanley Cup. I was hoping Edmonton would win, but hockey is…
How’s everybody on this gray and soggy day? Feet webbing yet? I checked first thing this morning to see what I could do tonight, entertainment-wise. Guess what? Nothing! That’s correct. There is nothing to do on a Monday night in Vallarta. Seems impossible and seemingly not great planning going on out there. That will…
A lovely reunion yesterday over mango smoothies with my Lightworker friend Juan Carlos. He is recently back from visiting family in Europe and was full of exciting tales of various cities he visited. My sister and I will be heading to northern Europe a year from now, barring any global disturbances like our last aborted…
Happy Summer to everybody from the gray sky of Vallarta. At least the birds are flying this morning but quietly, getting their day started without sunshine or rain. I need more coffee. Summer began a day early last night at Act2PV. Cate Valcic produced the first Greatest Show, which is scheduled to run every Wednesday…
It’s Juneteenth in the US and mid-week here. It is raining gently but earnestly; I am in need of a sunny day. This weather makes me lazy and underproductive, and worse, I don’t care that I am lazy and not doing anything. So, we have to go with the flow (ahem…) – that’d be downhill…
The view from my desk is of the south side of our Lady of Guadalupe Church bell tower. I can see two clocks and up to the cross on top of the crown. Beyond that is very dark gray sky. There is no breeze, at least not yet; once the tide changes, it will return.…
A gentle rain is falling, and the grey skies are soft and unthreatening; it is a good morning to go back to bed and indulge in another hour’s rest. The temptation… My beautiful kitty, Bogie, has been with me for one whole month. We are still learning about each other, but what a love fest…
My house is so quiet; my sister is sound asleep in her bed thousands of miles away from Bogie and me. It’ll take a couple of days to normalize and get back into the swing of doing things on my own. I jumped onto a very crowded bus after leaving Patrice at the airport and…
Barb Stenz and I had a couple of intense Scrabble games – she won the first by three points, and I won the second by one! Time did not allow for a rubber – just as well, we were both exhausted by then! Home for a quick change of clothes and to get Patrice, then…
It didn’t rain much yesterday morning, but it was sufficient to cancel our shopping adventure at the tianguis in Coapinole with Rob and Jan. Instead, Patrice and I went to La Comer and Costco, and here comes a shameless plug for the latter. Kitty litter is expensive and becoming more so like everything else; the…
A tiny amount of rain fell in the early hours, barely measurable, but it’s a mere 26 degrees at 7 am – cool! It was also not enough rain to change our plans to hit the Tuesday tianguis in Coapinole, which is almost all outside. If you are looking for some clothing bargains or just…
What a great weekend! I did virtually nothing and didn’t even leave my house on Sunday. I played in my tiny garden and my kitchen, stocking up my freezer for the next couple of weeks. It was lazy, indulgent, and fabulous. I had lots of new ideas for the future; if any of them come…
After five or so thousand steps, Rob, Jan, Patrice and I left the Zoo just south of Vallarta in Mismaloya. We spent nearly three hours slowly wandering through the jungle on the sturdily built walled walkways. It was so quiet; it seemed we had the entire place to ourselves. It was midday, and the animals…
Our overcast skies have vanished, leaving the morning cool, fresh, and full of starling chatter. A sleepy city is stretching and ready for a new adventure. I wonder how many people will arrive in Vallarta today for the first time and be absolutely smitten with the abundance we live with daily? If that’s you, then…
Coapinole was such fun; I scored a vintage Italian leather handbag that cleaned up beautifully. My 50 pesos is far from the 350+ USD new price tag. Patrice and I relaxed on the terrace at La Comer over coffee and complimentary sticky pastries and discussed our numerous other purchases and immediate plans for Costco. We…
It was a day of perfect timing. I walked into the busy, as always, airport, bought tickets for the taxi, turned around, and Patrice was walking toward me. The total wait time was five minutes! A miracle! My sister met Bogie and fell in love with him; he is with her, so life is ducky.…
Last Friday afternoon, festivities started with a pop-up concert at La Catrina Cantina with Spencer Day and Luis Villanueva. It was absolutely fantastic! They only had a few hours to rehearse, but the result was 90 minutes of gorgeous vocals, superb duets, tons of laughter, and interaction with two great entertainers that the audience adored.…
Another weekend looms, and I have only three more sleeps until Patrice flies in for ten days. We have eating on our agenda and will enjoy the last part of RESTAURANT WEEK. I met Selena Luna yesterday at the Arte Vallarta Museo as she was closing up for the day. We fed beautiful Minerva on…