Catching Up With an Old Friend

Another weekend on the horizon, enjoying voices at opposite ends of the vocal scale. Tonight, Freddy Otelo, a Mexican countertenor, and Sunday, Andrew Sands, an American baritone/bass. Both are in the comfy living room at Casa Karma, accompanied by maestro Bing Young on piano. A full report on Monday!

Yesterday morning was spent on the beach at Langostinos enjoying an excellent vegetarian omelet and catching up with my old friend Felix Zarate. Felix has opened Harmony Home, an assisted living community for seniors in Mezcales, Nayarit. I asked all the questions that popped into my (elderly) head, realizing, with a bit of a shock, I have one foot in that door. Notice: ONE foot. However, the great thing is, Felix ticked off all the boxes I needed – yes, I could have my darling kitty, yes, Harmony Home is affiliated with a sports complex, golf course and is close to the beach and live music venues. As a Mexican lawyer and real estate broker, Felix can facilitate immigration problemitas, help sell your condo, help with estate planning, the works! I am excited to see this retirement haven. Stay tuned and check their Facebook page.

Today marks three months that Humphrey Bogart, aka Bogie, and I have been living together. He was quite insistent this morning, and with purring and chattering in my ear, we got an early start on the day. Cats tell time well, and I am sure he was keenly aware of how easily wrapped I am around his giant paws. No matter. After feeding him, I went to pour coffee and noticed the time – 4:45. Ugh! A nap before Casa Karma is inevitable. But first, I need to walk and go to the gym.

Have a loving and fun-filled day. See all of you at Casa Karma at 6:30.

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