Category: Calendar

A tiny amount of rain fell in the early hours, barely measurable, but it’s a mere 26 degrees at 7 am – cool! It was also not enough rain to change our plans to hit the Tuesday tianguis in Coapinole, which is almost all outside. If you are looking for some clothing bargains or just…

What a great weekend! I did virtually nothing and didn’t even leave my house on Sunday. I played in my tiny garden and my kitchen, stocking up my freezer for the next couple of weeks. It was lazy, indulgent, and fabulous. I had lots of new ideas for the future; if any of them come…

After five or so thousand steps, Rob, Jan, Patrice and I left the Zoo just south of Vallarta in Mismaloya. We spent nearly three hours slowly wandering through the jungle on the sturdily built walled walkways. It was so quiet; it seemed we had the entire place to ourselves. It was midday, and the animals…

Our overcast skies have vanished, leaving the morning cool, fresh, and full of starling chatter. A sleepy city is stretching and ready for a new adventure. I wonder how many people will arrive in Vallarta today for the first time and be absolutely smitten with the abundance we live with daily? If that’s you, then…

Coapinole was such fun; I scored a vintage Italian leather handbag that cleaned up beautifully. My 50 pesos is far from the 350+ USD new price tag. Patrice and I relaxed on the terrace at La Comer over coffee and complimentary sticky pastries and discussed our numerous other purchases and immediate plans for Costco. We…

It was a day of perfect timing. I walked into the busy, as always, airport, bought tickets for the taxi, turned around, and Patrice was walking toward me. The total wait time was five minutes! A miracle! My sister met Bogie and fell in love with him; he is with her, so life is ducky.…

Last Friday afternoon, festivities started with a pop-up concert at La Catrina Cantina with Spencer Day and Luis Villanueva. It was absolutely fantastic! They only had a few hours to rehearse, but the result was 90 minutes of gorgeous vocals, superb duets, tons of laughter, and interaction with two great entertainers that the audience adored.…

Another weekend looms, and I have only three more sleeps until Patrice flies in for ten days. We have eating on our agenda and will enjoy the last part of RESTAURANT WEEK. I met Selena Luna yesterday at the Arte Vallarta Museo as she was closing up for the day. We fed beautiful Minerva on…

Benefit #2 for Mercurio Hotel staff got underway at Act2PV Theater‘s Main Stage yesterday afternoon. I was so happy to see Georgia Darehshori who has returned from a Month of Medicals in NYC. She looks remarkably well considering the battles she has endured. Only love and healing from here on in, eh, Georgie? The Edgar…

Mid-week and five more sleeps until Patrice arrives. Lots coming up in the meanwhile besides house cleaning and stocking the bar! What a glorious morning yesterday, toes in the sand at Langostinos, attentive wait staff that kept Sharon, me, and our beloved now 30-year-old Patty Macias full of coffee and breakfast. It has been months…

After a long, leisurely brekkie on the beach with friends, I am going to pick up my passport! Fourteen days from dropping off the papers to it being in my hand! Good service, no? After that, shopping at La Comer and Costco because I will be close to that neighborhood, then home. Tons of work…

Is everybody happily exhausted from Pride? I haven’t read any numbers yet, but it certainly seemed that everyone had a gay old time. I joined dozens of friends and neighbors up the street at Jim and Sean’s house for drinks and always fabulous nibblies that Jim is famous for. Dessert was ice cream and a…

Congratulations to OPC (Oficina de Proyectos Culturales) on their 10th Anniversary. The Gallery was beautifully appointed – as it always is on an Opening Night. The raicilla flowed, commemorative artisanal bottles were on sale, and the rooftop garden was humming with dozens and dozens of artists and art lovers. A beautiful evening – brava, and…

She wanted to do something different, so curtains were hung over the windows making La Catrina Cantina pretty much pitch black in the early evening. The sold-out crowd whooped, hollered, whistled, clapped and shouted as Gloria Fiona’s Burlesque brought the house down in a thunderous standing ovation. Gloria is gutsy and fearless, and she credits…

Yesterday was my annual visit to the offices of IMSS to pay for my Mexican health insurance. When I began the process more than 15 years ago, it took the entire day. An hour or two in one line for one thing, and the process repeated until I was paid up and shakily on my…

I had a wonderful brunch yesterday with Chiara at Langostinos. Of course, I didn’t take photos of our food, but trust me – the vegetarian omelet (cheese and chile poblano) was superb, with fried potatoes and an abundant fresh fruit salad. FYI, it’s available until 1 pm only. Seeing Emilio back in the restaurant was…

Pride Week starts today – it’s going to be great! Pool parties, bar hopping, lectures, fashion shows, doggie walks, beach parties, and the best, most joyful parade ever. Selena Luna and I met at Coco’s Kitchen for lunch last week. We put on our “Waldorf and Statler” hats and discussed the good, the bad, and…

What a day I had with Humphrey Bogart! He was so justifiably upset when I picked him up at noon. His litter box, food, and toys went into the taxi’s trunk, and he, in his carrier, rode with me in the back seat. He stopped crying immediately; maybe the motion of the car calmed him.…

Scrabble and Bingo yesterday – some wins, some losses at both. The only thing I can concentrate on is my new kitty, Bogie, who I will pick up in three and a half hours. But who’s counting! I have one meeting this morning, then the rest of the day will be spent showing Humphrey Bogart…

It’s 7 am, and the day already looks spectacular. May and November are the best months in Vallarta – cool nights and mornings, hot days, and not a lot of humidity. Enjoy while you can! A million thanks to all of you who have extended condolences about the passing of my last kitty – Miri.…