Children’s Day and Press Conference

Today is Dia del Niño, or Children’s Day, throughout Mexico. Coincidentally (maybe not!), it is the birthday of Georgia Darehshori, a dear and valued girlfriend who is in New York City with her daughter instead of here at home in Vallarta, becoming or ‘turning,’ as we weirdly say, 80 years old. Happy Birthday, darling Georgie. You are a beacon.

Besides a Press Conference at Industry Night Club this morning, I have nothing scheduled, and I am trying to remember the last time that happened. Last year, for sure. That can only mean summer is coming, and/or I am learning to do my new job!

I am looking forward to slowing down somewhat and reacquainting myself with my sewing machine, tearing apart my closet, and rebuilding a bunch of clothes. Or not.

Or making some candles or jewelry.


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