Double Davids at Greatest Show

You can always tell when I have lost a Scrabble Tournament – it takes me forever to have to sit down and actually write those words. But now it’s done, bravas to Sharon, who bribed me (again!) with fresh lemon/blueberry sourdough bread for winning two out of three. I will not mention the first game, where the point spread was 147 points, or the second game that you won by a mere three points; congratulations, my dear friend.

Okay, moving on from personal humiliation to the Greatest Show that I will miss so much next month when Act2PV closes for vacations and refurbishing.

The Double Davids – Maiocco on piano and Sabella, singing and emceeing, kicked off another stellar show produced by Cate Valcic. Alfredo Mendoza was up first; he has shown the most improvement working with David M. His English-language songs are sung with clear and crisp pronunciation – he is smiling and moving and is a delight to watch on stage. Kudos to both of you!

Gaby and Miana each sang sola, then joined in a well-harmonized Adele song. Both were lovely in red. Elly boldly delivered a pair of Mexican boleros and was followed by Montse, who was appropriately attired in torn jeans.

Costa Rican couple Ale Matus and Dabit Azofeifa stole the show, as they are wont to do. If someone ever asked me what my first thought when I hear the word “accordion” would be, my answer would be an immediate Laurence Welk. Then there is Dabit, who manages to play beautifully with power and loads of sex appeal. What!? And Alejandra, first in my mind as a bumbling, stumbling, freaky-looking clown, walks onstage with puffed sleeves and arrogant hair and executes an Argentine tango sitting on a bar stool. This couple is unmatched at whatever they do separately, and when they come together onstage, the magic is remarkable.

Steven Retchless brought his alter ego, Stevie Hart, to the Casa Karma Red Room, where she sang and told us about the upcoming art show/sale in August to help fund Steven’s upcoming show(s). I will get details to you soon.

Yoalli preceded Andy Sands, whose mom was in the audience. Andy has a show coming up at Casa Karma. Again, I will get the details to you in a timely manner.

Cate Valcic closed the evening’s performance with a song from her and David Maiocco’s show tonight at 7 in Mary Ann’s Ovations Piano Bar. There is no cover charge for “Vaude-Villians,” which will be raucous and funny. See you there.

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