Happy Thanksgiving! I have a list a mile-long of things and people I am grateful for, and yesterday’s trek out to Marina Vallarta added one more name to the mix. It is Armando Soto, Doctor of Chiropractic, who, along with Doctora Simona Pop, will give my sister Patrice Wolf the tools to correct her worsening back problems – without surgery and mind-numbing drug protocols.
Both spent considerable time asking questions and picking up on non-verbal signs instantly. Patrice will have a high learning curve for the next six months, embarking on a regimen to heal herself by herself when she returns to Canada in mid-December. We are both, finally, hopeful that these two holistic doctors who steadfastly practice what they preach have put Patrice on the road to a pain-free future.
Earlier in the day, over at Qulture, our burgeoning Scrabble Club had its busiest turnout, with a dozen players creating words on every board. It was a monumental day for Tom Nussbaum, who has studiously played since the club got scrabbled together three years ago by our founder, Randy Thomas, who beat me soundly in the first game I played.
I slid down the table to play opposite Tom, scolding him several times for using his esses just to add one point to his score. I shoulda kept quiet because Tom put down a 117-point word: E-X-P-O-S-E-D out of the blue. It was his first seven-letter word (called a Scrabble or Bingo, don’t ask me why, it just is) in his life, AND he beat me. Two monumental events. Just. Like. That.
I will carry his look of utter disbelief in my heart for the rest of my life.
Patrice and I are off to spend the day at the gorgeous Vallarta Botanical Garden. A full report on Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow morning; have a blessed day, everyone.