Game Day and a Party for Gholi’s Birthday
Yesterday was one of those cannot-do-anything-wrong sort of days starting at Qulture and winning three straight games of Scrabble. I then joined my sister and our friend Sharon (who leaves today for the frozen north) at PuRR Project Bingo at Nacho Daddy. I won one game AND the 50/50 drawing of cash. After a quick change of clothes at the house, the three of us jumped into a cab and headed for Casa Karma and Gholi’s birthday party/fundraiser for Club Vallarta. I am sure Georgia Darehshori will let us know how much was raised to help those soccer-playing kids. Lots of singers stopped in, sang a song, then flew out the door to make a business meeting or prepare their own shows at various venues throughout Vallarta. A mark of their devotion to Georgia, who makes Casa Karma available for entertainers when there is a break in her scheduled reservations.
The labyrinth was abuzz with supporters of the arts, ensconced in canvas chairs, the sun long set, Martin on sound and lights, the odd pairs of dancers trying to keep the tempo moving, the bar up top doing a brisk business and delicious food appeared endlessly throughout the evening. A baker’s dozen performed with Bing Young accompanying often on piano and was emceed overall by Host Will Walker. The entire program gave a rare opportunity for lesser-known artists in town to be seen and to promote themselves to an appreciative audience already spellbound by the magic of Casa Karma.
Nutcracker opens tonight at Coco Cabaret at 6 pm, and the much anticipated SOLD OUT Vallarta Garden Club Membership Drive/Welcome Back party starts at 6 pm tomorrow at Le Bistro Jazz Cafe.