Phoenix Rising on the Cuale; George Michael Tribute
Last Friday, Le Bistro on the Isla Cuale took center stage once again for the annual Membership Drive and Welcome Back Party for the Vallarta Garden Club. The event sold out with so many snowbirds and semi-permanent residents here to escape the winter in more northerly climes. Heartfelt hugs were shared in every corner of the restored-to-former-glory Jazz Cafe in the middle of the Isla that bears more than a passing glance of the work done by Vallarta Garden Club. This entire half of the Island was nearly buried under sand and debris after two back-to-back hurricanes.
If there was ever a Phoenix rising from the ashes story, it lives on the Isla Cuale and was duly celebrated Friday night. I was so happy to see many new members, uber-influential people who will bring an enormous amount of good to this organization I hold near and dear to my heart. Our next big get-together will be on January 23 for our annual Gala this year called Blooming Together. It will be at Restaurant Oscars on the ocean-end of the Isla, with dinner first, then dancing to Monaco Band, that great band headed by Daniel Celis of Palm Cabaret fame. This event always sells out and will be a feast for all the senses. You don’t have to be a member to come to the Gala, but if you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer your time and energy in retirement, I can’t imagine a better bunch of lovely people to hang out with, all working with a single purpose – to make Vallarta more beautiful than she already is.
My sister Patrice and I slipped out a bit early and made our way down to Coco Cabaret for the George Michael: Reborn starring Robert Bartko, a dead-ringer for the British singer-songwriter who passed in 2016. Bartko, who was at The Palm a year ago and caused a huge sensation – that I missed because of other commitments, is back for a few more shows at Coco. If you are a fan, don’t miss this energetic and loving tribute to one of the most influential singers of the 80s and 90s.
Veggitalia Pizza & Osteria is one of our favorite restaurants in Vallarta, with fresh vegetarian and vegan/gluten-free options only on their menu. Welcoming hugs from owner Marco are cherished every visit, and Patrice wanted to say goodbye. She heads back to Canada tomorrow.
A surprise meet-up over lunch at Veggitalia with Allyna Vineberg’s son Mike and his family sitting next to us. I had just published a photo that morning in Vallarta Mirror of Allyna passing as a butterfly, and my heart was in my throat saying hello to her son. She makes her energy known often, and I am grateful for that and her.
Today is the 16th and marks six months since my new kitty, Humphrey Bogart, aka Bogie, came into my life. He and I grow closer daily, learning each other’s peculiarities and living in near-perfect harmony. He greets me at the front door with chirps – he’s a Maine Coon and is not given to common ‘meows.’ Nothing is ‘common’ about this luxurious feline that I love to pieces.