Gym Visit and Beach Breakfast
A tiny amount of rain fell in the early hours, barely measurable, but it’s a mere 26 degrees at 7 am – cool! It was also not enough rain to change our plans to hit the Tuesday tianguis in Coapinole, which is almost all outside. If you are looking for some clothing bargains or just want a morning adventure in a timeless Mexican tradition, go early, wander around, bargain, and enjoy.
Yesterday morning, Patrice walked me to Central Gym just past McDonald’s on the Malecon, where I had a quick workout while she was shopping. I thought I would share a photo she took from the top floor. Very cool in the winter to watch whales breaching between sets! How’s the view from your gym?
After a brisk walk home, we headed to Langostinos on the beach for breakfast. Their vegetarian omelet is fabulous, with one significant change – swapping the bell peppers (yak…) for chile poblano—perfection on a plate.
Rob and Jan are picking us up in an hour to head to Coapinole, so have a lovely day. I will have a full report on our findings in the morning.