Maybe We Can Get Together?

Of course, it’s Friday the 13th! I didn’t need a calendar to warn me as I had a full day yesterday preparing for bad luck. “Bad” is the wrong word. We could just stick with a simple NO.

I had five tentative “maybe-we-can-get-together” plans. One by one, as the day went by, the tentatives became a definite NO. At around 5 pm, I started chopping up a lovely, bright peach chiffon gown to make a jacket. The back and both front panels are super, with enough fabric left over to make ONE sleeve. Not giving in to panic, I started looking through bins of fabric, sure I could find something for sleeves. Nope, nothing. Then my final tentative for dinner crashed like a wave on the beach, so I carefully put down my very sharp scissors, had a quick bite to eat with my adorable kitty, Bogie, and was safely in bed by 7 with a softcover book that wouldn’t kill me if it fell on my face.

A quick perusal of has The Golden Tenors at Casa Karma at 6:30 tonight, celebrating the music of Mexico. Have a superb weekend, everybody. See you at El Grito, ¡Viva!

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