Morning Madness at Coapinole Market; Evening Gay Mixer
Patrice and I were boots on the ground at the tianguis in Coapinole by 8:45 yesterday morning, and the place was already a madhouse. The tables right at the entrance usually do not have prices marked overhead (we have learned to avoid them in general), but yesterday, 10 pesos/piece was the rule of the day. Can you spell pandemonium? We moved down a ways, dug in, and scored about 20 pieces, Hauled them to La Comer, shopped (after coffee on their terrace), then hauled all of THAT stuff to Costco, shopped (after strawberry sundaes in the usual store busy-ness) loaded a taxi to the max, came home five hours later ready for a nap.
Then, from 6 to 8 pm, Act2PV Theater opened its doors for the third-of-the-season Out & About Puerto Vallarta Magazine’s Gay Mixer. Owner, writer, editor, and publisher Jerry Jones met everyone at the top of the stairs and posed for pics by his photographer Oscar Almeida. Dozens and dozens of us filled Ovations Piano Bar to bursting. It was, indeed, standing room only, with most of the tables and chairs removed to accommodate the crowd.
I saw and chatted with so many people I knew just returning to Vallarta. Still, the great thing about these Mixers is the number of newbies who avidly gather up information that is so easily exchanged at these kinds of functions.
The grand reopening of Act2PV is tomorrow at 7 pm. Find me and say hello.