Open Mic, Smoothies and Bingo

What a perfectly glorious morning with an almost clear sky and no rain last night. Today should be the actual start of rainy season, where we have a knockdown drag-out, terrifying storm, with rain so hard you can’t see across the street. Right now, it doesn’t look like the sky could sneeze politely. Check back with me tomorrow morning and we’ll see!

I had a lovely mango smoothie with my friend David J. Duvall last week. He’s a good writer – the man writes songs – and I asked him for a few hundred words a week on his life as a musician in a foreign country. Stay tuned!

As Act2PV worked through its growing pains and figuring out schedules, the first Friday night Open Mic took place in Mary Ann’s Ovations Bar. It very nearly captured the warmth of Incanto Vallarta‘s famous Open Mics that nobody ever wanted to miss. It will take a season, and we have all summer to enjoy the spectacular entertainment before the hoards of tourists and snowbirds arrive. Many of the diehard Incanto performers – Bing Young, Enoch, Dashs, Kimberly, et al, were there, plus newbies like Cherry DeLorenzo, who was thrilled to sing a duet with “Liberace.”

On Saturday morning, I spent some time with my old friend Ricardo Mazcal at his Weekend Market on Isla Cuale. He is there every Saturday, rain or shine. He has developed a new product that is in the testing phase right now, and he asked me to try it. “WOWIE”! This is my comment for now, and much more talk about his latest herbal concoction coming up very shortly.

I attended David Sabella’s Voice Workshop Saturday morning and was so impressed I spent yesterday writing about it in a separate article. It will be published on Thursday in Vallarta Mirror, and I will also post it on Facebook. Extraordinary!

Bingo at Act2 is always fun to share with my Scrabble buddy Sharon Gerber Schererr because she wins all the time. Again, she won the blackout and gave the money back to the elevator fund.

I got a surprise message the other night from Michael L. Walters, who is currently living in New York City and coming to Vallarta for the month of February. Michael will be bringing suitcases full of fabulous frocks for Dame Edna, his alter ego, his partner Doug and their adorable chihuahua Ralphie who was adopted here in Vallarta years ago. I think I am Ralphie’s auntie!

He wanted to let me know that David Maiocco would be accompanying him for Ms Edna’s shows in the Casa Karma Red Room. It must have been ten years ago when Michael/Edna last played the Red Room. I saw nearly every Dame Edna show that season; I could not get enough of Michael’s rapid-fire repartee with every audience. I wrote much about him that year and remember being so sad, sitting up in the balcony at his last show. Dame Edna ended her run by presenting a bouquet of red roses and had Doug sprint up the stairs and give them to me. I don’t think I have ever been so lovingly surprised and touched

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