Pearls at The Palm
Day Three of Solitude and work, and except for the water delivery guy, I have not been face to face with another human since Monday. I have gotten so much done. Lots of editing and scheduling articles for Vallarta Mirror. Lots of food. I am overflowing with abundance and gratitude for all of it. I sorely needed the time, and the universe conspired to let me have it, so thanks go out for that.
We are in that weird annual space between Christmas and New Year’s with everybody stutterstepping from flying around to, well, nothing for a couple of days, then New Year’s – WOOHOO. Then nothing again. Even the airlines take a break for a few days, then we are off and running until Easter Sunday. Everybody and no exceptions. All of us working like pinche burros for 12 or 15 weeks and then it’s summer. Done. The reality of living in a resort town. Not a complaint, it’s just how we live.
I went to see Pearls at the The Palm Cabaret and Bar for a second time. This is a gorgeous show starring Gina Ramirez, who sings Sade with Alison Lo on perfect harmonies with a bit of help from guitarist Gilberto Luna. The musicians are some of the best in the city, and the playlist rolls out hit after hit. If this show should pop up on VallartaCalendar.com during the season, do go, relax, and watch dozens of hours of rehearsal unfold into perfection. In the meantime, see Gina with Ale Matus in the ABBA Tribute at the Palm on December 28 and Daniel Celis and Monaco band in the Fleetwood Mac/Eagles tribute at Coco Cabaret on December 30. Both shows start at 5 pm.
Two weeks from tomorrow is Gloria Fiona’s Tribute to Adele at Teatro Vallarta. This concert will be the culmination of nearly two years of work. In that time, we have seen mini-concerts and teasers. We have seen the entire stage of the Palm shoulder to shoulder with musicians as Gloria tested the waters for the ultimate show coming on January 10th. That show was a triumph. It was held over five times, with the cabaret 100% sold out for each show.
And, Gloria has reached out to Adele with an invitation to come to the performance; to date, Adele has not said no. It is not impossible. Rather, let me rephrase, It IS a possibility, and, knowing how Gloria manifests things, let me just say, if ANYBODY could make that happen, it would be Gloria! Make sure you have a ticket; see you there.