Scrabble, Bingo and Beefcakes
About three years ago, I saw a notice somewhere on Facebook asking if anybody played Scrabble. I jumped all over that, met Randy Thomas at Qulture; he had been playing there with painter Barb Stenz, and so began our little, loosely formed Scrabble Club. From our members, I have had the best roommate ever, a business partner who continues to enrich my life and has given me the dearest friends who meet weekly to c-l-o-b-b-e-r one another. We welcomed Randy back yesterday after an 18-month absence; what a joy to play with him again!
The PuRR Project Bingo fundraisers started their seasonal play at Nacho Daddy yesterday. Sandy Lopez, a Scrabbler, joined Patrice and me; there were no bingo winnings, but we contributed a little toward the upkeep of the 300+ cats and kittens at the shelter. That means bingo every Wednesday at 4 pm at Nacho Daddy, next week for Colina Spay and Neuter Clinic, followed on the 27th for Purr Project. Spay and neuter people, spay and neuter.
A 20-minute power nap had us back at Ovations Piano Bar waiting for #5 in the Fiesta de Cabaret series starring Perry Ojeda. Yas(uhiko) Fukuoka stepped in to play piano as Mark Hartman, Fiesta Producer with David Sabella, is still with family in the US.
Perry walked onto the Casa Karma Red Room stage buttoned up tight in formal (for Vallarta) attire. After one number, he shed the coat and tie and relaxed into the energy of the audience, who loved him immediately like an adored older brother.
His well-rehearsed show Just in Time celebrates the history and words of Betty Comden and Adolph Green. Their backstory and Perry’s intertwined, giving him his first starring role as Gabey in On The Town and, to this day, guide him emotionally and spiritually with positivity. Ojeda, recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, has had to relearn how to sing; his control and determination are enormous. He wants to impart everything he has learned over his decades onstage and in front of a camera to young aspiring actors and singers. The Cabaret students soaked up every word and tucked them away alongside each note that Perry sang beautifully with power and gentleness in equal measure. Bravo, Maestro.
Beefcakes has reopened! As Patrice and I were leaving Act2PV last night, I spotted Missy McMahon standing outside her bar, so we stopped in and caught up on some details. Bingo returns this Saturday at 6 pm then will change to Sundays next week. Missy’s hours are 9 pm to 4 am, with lots of exciting projects coming up, so keep your eyes here and on VallartaCalendar.com for updates.
The soon-to-be-legendary Coco Cabaret opens tonight; a full report in the morning.