See Enel Ram at Any Opportunity
When Enel Ram talks about her country, words fly out of her mouth like starlings in a morning hunt. She cannot express her love of Mexico’s history and stories hard enough or fast enough. Enel is enchanted with the dichotomies of Mexican society – patriarchal, yet no country honors their mothers with greater fervor than Mexico. The legend of ghostly La Llorona, a woman who drowns her children and then spends eternity searching for them, when sung by Enel, offers her heart and soul laid bare to be pitied and vilified – exonerated and elevated at the same time.
Enel is tiny and delicate, her hands in constant motion when she talks or sings with her fingertips welcoming and dismissive, dancing through the air, creating silent words in harmony with her complex voice.
La Llorona is a Gloria Fiona Productions that will change every time it is presented, with different elements added – a contortionist from Cirque du Soleil, for example, at La Catrina Cantina last night, that defies reality. See Enel Ram at any opportunity. She is a window looking into Mexico’s future while celebrating and holding Mexico’s past close to her heart.
Opening Nights are a wonder. The energy is explosive, with everyone’s nerves onstage at fever pitch, trying to remember every movement – your own and everybody else surrounding you, and not forgetting the words and delivering them, sometimes upside down, perfectly.
Steven Retchless is a genius. He builds his productions layer by layer, one idea at a time, adding more of this, then that, and at the end, you have a raucous standing ovation. Seamless choreography, intriguing video work, excellent costuming, exhaustive research, and parlaying that in an exciting way to half of the audience that didn’t have a clue Britney Spears was a non-blonde Mouseketeer! Catch the next performance of The Woman in Me at Coco Cabaret on Wednesday, November 27, at 8 pm. See a beautiful man recreated as a lovely woman onstage and feast your eyes on one gorgeous human being – Steven Retchless.
See you at 6 pm at La Catrina Cantina for Out & About Puerto Vallarta Magazine’s Gay Mixer.