Smoothies and Butterfly Visits

With nearly everything dark on Mondays, I had time to spend with my dear Sandra Bradley over smoothies at the Vallarta Factory. We can make hours disappear just like that! You can read Sandra in Vallarta Mirror every Monday. Always something ethereal, thought-provoking, and lovely.

Friends of mine, Klaus and Michele, moved to Spain a couple of years ago. Michele wrote me that a Canadian friend of theirs they knew in Vallarta had passed away suddenly in Victoria. Turns out my Sandra knew Darrel McLeod, the Cree Indian writer, jazz musician and advocate in BC. I had not had the pleasure of meeting him, but as Michele told me, he had many friends in Vallarta who may not have heard of his death.

On my way home from the gym, I always stop at the same place and pick some grass for my big kitty Bogie to eat. He has his own patch growing on the patio, but he likes the extra special wildness of curbside grass a few times a week. This lovely butterfly posed for me beautifully.

Last February, the same kind of butterfly spent the night with me and survived; I gave her water in the morning, and she eventually flew away. I mentioned the curious thing in my column, and Pam Thompson posted that she thought it was likely Allyna Vineberg, who recently passed, paying a visit. I chose to believe the same and was happy to see Allyna again in this gorgeous reincarnation!

It’s a big shopping day today; I will have a full report in the morning.

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