Star-Studded Benefit at Nacho Daddy

Coapinole was such fun; I scored a vintage Italian leather handbag that cleaned up beautifully. My 50 pesos is far from the 350+ USD new price tag. Patrice and I relaxed on the terrace at La Comer over coffee and complimentary sticky pastries and discussed our numerous other purchases and immediate plans for Costco. We had time to unwind and get ready for the star-studded benefit for Mercurio at Nacho Daddy. Organized by Fernanda Hernandez and emceed by Alison Lo, the concert kicked off with Mexico’s Liberace, Salvatore Rodriguez, from Garbo’s (Where P and I are headed tonight!). A few standout duets were had with Davids Duvall and Sabella, Bing Young and Enoch, and Fernanda and her husband Carlos. Joan Houston’s solo was hilarious; Steven Retchless’s sweet and poignant, powerhouse vocals from Amy Armstrong, Nacho Daddy owner Sean Moore, and Kevin Anthony kept us engaged for well over two hours.

Thanks came from Paul Crist to Tammy, Sean, Janathan Rios on sound and lights, Starla Kane, overseer of the donations, all of the organizers, performers, and the jam-packed house.

It was a full and lovely day that left me soaked in gratitude for my life here and the caring individuals who make up our amazing, talented community. Keep on sharing the love.

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