!Viva México¡

I am enjoying being a slug, two nights in a row without an event! In no time, however, we will be up to here in brand-new shows.

My absolute favorite Mexican celebration is coming up this weekend. The Grito de Independencia (Cry for Independence) will ring out from every city and town at around 11 pm. I am SOOO jealous of my Vallarta Mirror/Calendar-partner Kevin will be in Mexico City, where AMLO, President of Mexico, will ring Father Hidalgo’s actual bell (I wonder what they will use in Dolores, Hidalgo, where Cassandra Shaw will be?) It will be the sixth and last time Andres Manuel Lopez Obredor, offers his cry for freedom; next year, a woman’s voice will be heard shouting ¡Viva, México! for the first time in history.

Because everybody rallied to a decade-long war of independence against Spain, nobody wrote down the precise words spoken by Father Hidalgo. So, there is some wiggle room for mayors across the nation to add their city’s name after the final three ¡Viva México! cheers. Wait for the “¡Viva, Puerto Vallarta!”

The crowd, as they say, goes wild!

Following the screaming is the Mexican National Hymn. It is always referred to as a hymn, not an anthem – elevated in Mexican hearts almost to the realm of Sacred Song. Everybody knows every word – little kids stop squirming, stand tall, and sing with all their hearts. I have watched old men stand in reverence with tears pouring down their weathered faces.

Fireworks that rival New Year’s Eve precede dancing in the streets well into the wee hours of the morning.

There are tens of thousands of people in the Main Square and the Malecon, peacefully wandering. Nearby, OXXO’s will run out of beer, and passed bottles of raicilla, and brandy will amicably be shared if you are of a mind.

Go. You will love it. Be there around 10 pm at the latest to get a good place to stand or sit on the edge of the Malecon. The Grito is around 11 pm on Sunday, September 15. The next day is a National Holiday, so you can sleep in. !Viva México¡

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