Weekend with Sargento, Mural Inauguration and Art Fiesta

Before we start, get more coffee. I had a busy weekend!

First up, Sargento’s one-man show, The Mentiras Experience, with Salvatore Rodriguez on piano, exploded into life in the Living Room at Casa Karma. Mentiras el Musical opened in Mexico City in 2009 and is still running! Sargento condensed the storyline of four women in love with a murdered man and played all those cleverly color-coded parts by adding straps to a harness (wardrobe additions designed by Andy Sands) as the women appeared in the dialogue. A complicated plot, hilariously disclosed by exaggerated acting and singing in the eighties-style in two languages. Just for fun, ask Sargento to say the word ‘murderer.’ The Mentiras Experience grew out of a continuing show at Garbo’s starring Sargento singing Broadway tunes he began learning a year ago or so for the Rise competition. Sargento finished the So, You Think You Can Rise? in second place; that’s another funny story. His coaches at that time were Jan Dorland and Rob Burton. They have continued coaching and nurturing Sargento’s talent and energy and were like two proud papas at the show at Casa Karma. An unexpected joy during the after-party was hearing the magnificent Jorge Echeagaray, el Tenor del Norte, sing again. It was good to hug him, too!

The Voice Workshops at Act2 every Saturday morning continue to enthrall me, and I have seen improvements in the voices of every single singer. David Sabella is a master teacher who has dispelled everything I thought I knew about singing and has whittled the mysteries down to what it is: words put to music. A different way of talking with W O R D S being the most important aspect. He hammers diction, pronunciation, clarity, over and over, splitting vowels and consonants like chess pieces. It is fascinating, scientific stuff. Everyone is welcome to sit in and audit the class for 400 pesos. See you this coming Saturday from 11 to 2; don’t be late!

Two hours later, I was on the gorgeous Isla Cuale, just outside Las Brazzas Grill by the Aquiles Serdan swinging bridge, for the inauguration of a mural, “Lloviendo Bajo el Sol” or “Raining under the Sun.” The dedication to the life of Curro Prados Asensio, who died during Hurricane Nora on August 29, 2021, was made by Curro’s mom Arrancha, and Dauna Noble, the artist. More than 50 elements appear in the mural from a list of Curro’s favorite things written by Arrancha that Dauna integrated with color and much love. I had not seen Curro or his family for five years since they closed Babel Bar on the Island and moved to El Tuito, while maintaining the apartment on the Rio Cuale that collapsed during the storm. Curro was 13. I was so happy to hug Hector, Curro’s papa, and Arrancha again; they were a massive part of cultural life in Centro with Babel Bar’s live music drawing huge crowds every weekend. I remember those days watching Curro and his younger siblings running all over the island with their enormous dog, but they were always of service when their mom needed help at a fundraiser. Go and see the mural and spend a minute in quiet contemplation.

From there, I walked through the gentle rain to the First Saturday of the Month Fiesta at Arte Vallarta Museo. My intention was to say hello to everyone and make my way home, not feeling in much of a festive mood. However, Curator Richard Di Via, encouraged us to stay for a choral performance led by Vallarta Symphony Orchestra conductor Aquiles Morales. I am SO glad we waited! Standing ovations erupted after solos by two sopranos who were absolutely wonderful! The performance started with a song sung in Mayan, wove in a large chunk of the opera Carmen, and ended with a twist on a song by German industrial metal band Rammstein. Wow, indeed! Aquiles assured me this was a warm-up to concerts at Casa Karma (this Friday at 7 pm. Tickets are 800 pesos with limited seating and hors d’oeuvres) and Los Mangos Library on August 10, 8 pm, 300 pesos. Aquiles has just returned from a tour in Montreal, Canada; it was so good to see him again. Join me at the exquisite Casa Karma for Labyirinthe on August 09.

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