A Hummingbird Christmas
I can hear wrapping paper being torn apart from here! Not really, but Merry Christmas everyone! My neighborhood is blessedly quiet this morning after a monumental posada last night that went into the wee hours of the morning. I think that’s why Mexicans celebrate on the 24th so that they can sleep all of the 25th.
Even though I don’t have a tree, Santa delivered two remarkable gifts yesterday, both involving my big kitty Bogie. A hummingbird got trapped inside my house yesterday, much to Bogie’s delight and consternation. For three hours, the hummy smashed against the clear vinyl roof panels in my studio and bathroom, struggling to get out. I have a small, bright red fake poinsettia that usually lures the terrified birds to safety when I put it in an open window. Not yesterday. The thrumming of wings going a million miles an hour hitting my roof constantly, that after the first hour, I gave up and went back to my computer thinking that at any minute Bogie would emerge with the tiny bird firmly in his jaws to show me his Christmas dinner. Ugh. At the end of the third hour, a breath of wind passed my left ear. I looked up and saw the hummy, two feet in front of me, perched on top of the lattice window barricade. He turned his head to me in quiet acknowledgment, then launched mightily into the sky and the rest of his life.
Bogie was exhausted after hours of jumping up and down, following the trajectory of the trapped hummingbird from room to room. I went to bed early with my book – he jumped up next to me and insisted I not read just yet. Then, for the first time in our six months together, he curled up in my arms, cuddled as close as possible, fell asleep, and stayed with me until morning; I can’t tell you how delighted I am with such a breakthrough.
Thank you, Santa and the Bird and Cat Spirit Guides, who prevailed yesterday, making everything right in my world.
Keep the peace and goodwill flowing – the mere intent will change the energy; a hummingbird flew away freely, and the hunter in my cat took a break for a day.