Superheroes and Lap Dances
So, one more week remains in this entire year. They do go by fast, don’t they? And, the older we get, the faster time flies because we are rapidly running out of it. That’s a reminder to do everything mindfully in case it’s the last time I get to put rum in Santa’s egg nog!
I dropped in at the end of Jim and Sean’s Christmas party. They live just up the street from me. It was weird. I walked in, and five minutes later, half the crowd stood up and said their goodbyes. It’s all in the timing, right? I had a wonderful time chatting with our mutual friend Colleen, who is staying with Sean and Jim; she showed me photos of her daughter, whom I adored when she was eleven-ish. That child is now 42. Did I mention something about time flying? Yipes! Seeing Jim, Sean, Colleen, Bara, Cindy and Bert, Freda, Polly and Herschel, and more was lovely. Merry Christmas to y’all.
I wandered through quiet Sunday night streets to Coco Cabaret to finally see the Boys on Fire production of Superheroes. I was a good 25 minutes early, and all the front-row seats were full! The house was uber busy for a reason – the show is terrific! Word had clearly gotten out that lap dances were in the offing, so why choose a back row?
Superheroes is devoted to strength, muscularity, movement, dance, and wonderfully sculpted bodies. And great costumes, fast-paced choreography, soundtrack, and the best emcee in all of Vallarta, Argentinian Nacho Granados, who kept us laughing and up to the minute on which superhero was coming out to dazzle us next.
I loved the format of the show – quick vignettes on how some of these regular guys became superheroes with superbly done comic book videos, then a live, breathtaking display of agility and grace on the pole, thick (really thick) rope, aerial silks (Oh, Angel…) and other apparatus(es?) to show how powerful these beautiful bodies are. Their control is astonishing.
They made it all look easy by using every centimeter of the six-meter-high stage, climbing and climbing with one toe hold after another. Extraordinary. And all of them looked like they were having the easiest and best time of their lives onstage, making impossibly complicated moves. Extra bravos to Alex, Woody, Moises, and Angel.
Superheroes is new, exciting, innovative, exhilarating, and fun and, as I told Sebastian Coronel after the show, it’s the best production he has created to date.
All of Mexico celebrates Christmas tonight, whereas the rest of North America waits until morning. I will do both because I can. I am looking forward to seeing what Santa leaves me under the tree.
Okay, wait. I don’t have a tree. Full report in the morning; I will devise something.