An ‘Unauthorized’ and Delightful Evening

Last night, a delightful evening was afforded all up the hill at Art Vallarta Theater. Singer Kevin Anthony showed off his comedic talents and put his voice to work as narrator with one solo and a duet with lovely Patriz. This “Unauthorized Christina Aguilera Story” was written and produced by Selena Luna who happens to be Patriz’s mom. Only a couple of seats remained unsold in the intimate theatre that has surprisingly great acoustics. The ambience in Art Vallarta Theater is welcoming, comfortable, and cool enough to ward off this summer’s coming heat.

Pianist Ruli Mayorga, who has caused a stir over at The Palm accompanying Gloria Fiona in her tribute to Adele, played beautifully. Soundset Records, occupying a tech booth just offstage that required less than a square meter, squeezed out perfectly even vocals throughout the hour.

The printed program was a lovely touch and much appreciated. I hope this show recurs during the summer and perhaps into next season and will be a little bit longer.

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