Cabaret Ends, Temptation Begins
The First International Fiesta de Cabaret is over. I went to every concert – all seven of them, and was so impressed Vallarta Mirror will publish a synopsis this coming week. Congratulations to everyone who took part.
My birthday breakfast (I know, I know, that ship sailed a week ago, but gotta do these things when they’re offered!) was at Langostinos on the beach. They make vegetarian omelets and are always accommodating when I substitute chile poblano instead of those nasty bell peppers!
Patrice and I were so excited to see the first Boys on Fire – Temptations – show at Coco Cabaret. If you saw the show last season at The Palm, know it has been expanded upon, there have been some personnel changes, and there is nothing quite like a brand-new sound and light system in a brand-new theater. Patty Macias and Carlos did a wonderful job with Lucero, on loan from The Palm, behind the spotlight.
The smiling, engaging wait staff hustled, and drinks were on the table in mere minutes. Everyone sat in casually arranged chairs, and all the attendees chatted with everyone around them. I only knew a few faces in the audience.
Temptation is sexy, steamy, and fun. A couple of surprises – Armando Chakám was part of the dance troupe and emcee! Last week, he was all buttoned up in three-piece suits singing the best of Michael Bublé, and last night, he was singing in, um, a red leather harness and sometimes less than that. No spoilers! He is so lovely! Another surprise was seeing Indra from last year’s Voice of Vallarta competition. She danced up a storm and sang often and well, including a duet with Armando. AND, I watched Angel wrap his seemingly boneless, weightless body in a pole dance. His strength is beautiful to see. Another eye candy treat was tango luminary Emilio, from Buenos Aires, A Tango Murder Mystery, currently playing at The Palm. The cast is incredibly talented, directed, and choreographed by Sebastian Coronel, who has another show on Sunday nights at 10 pm. I will get to that next week. If you are up for an off-the-wall Variety Sex Show (should that be a Sexy Variety Show?), you will adore Temptations. I will have to go back and shoot better photographs.
Dear, long-time friend Cindy du Chateau is 70! She threw a helluva party at La Catrina Cantina that included her best girlfriends from high school, who all turned 70 this year, and flew down for the occasion. Hubby Bert Ramirez was there, daughter Corie, the grandkids, and a roomful of wellwishers who ate, drank, danced, and enjoyed the entertainment by Luis Villanueva, the Golden Tenors (Freddy Pacheco and Armando Chakram – I have seen the latter in three different shows in less than a week. I think that qualifies as stalking!), Alberto Ponce and more. A delightful party, thanks, Cindy!
Today, Patrice and I deliver the Casa Karma/Vallarta Mirror contribution to the Festival of Trees to benefit the Vallarta School for Girls. See ours and others on display at Casita and Garden until December. You can bid on the trees or buy them outright. Photos tomorrow!
We are having rain. Unusual but not unheard of – La Niña strikes again.