Festival of Trees and Fleetwood Mac in Puerto Vallarta
Our lovely yet funky Christmas tree joined a row of tall, graceful, artfully decorated submissions to the Festival of Trees. You can meander through them all at Casita & Garden, make a bid or buy them outright. There are also wreaths with Kevin Anthony’s winner. I am not saying another word…it is just so HIM! All of this benefits the Vallarta School for Girls who have made some beautiful gift-giving items, gorgeous handmade cards, cookies, festive table decorations, and more. Please, please get out and support this noble cause, and give the Casa Karma/Vallarta Mirror entry some love. Everything on the tree is recycled from three decades of my life in this city. It is stuffed with simple meaning, and every silk flower has a story (and won’t show up on my head!), all things collected over the years. The frog’s sombrerito is brand new; that’s it.
I was so happy to sit in Coco Cabaret’s front row last night to see the first production of last season’s smash hit from The Palm – the Monaco Band’s tribute to Fleetwood Mac and the Eagles. I could/would listen to Gina Ramirez sing anybody. She has one of those chameleon voices that takes on inflections seamlessly. And she’s beautiful. She also costars with Ale Matus and the Monaco Band in the ABBA Tribute at The Palm. See both.
Luis Villanueva unveiled his latest show, Love Lock Down, last night at Nacho Daddy. All new songs were rearranged beautifully with a live quartet and Ana Adame’s backup vocals. The packed house spoke volumes of the love and respect this community has for Luis. He has come a long, long way from Chiapas six or so years ago with no English. Puerto Vallarta is a beckoning beacon for artists from all over the world, and I am so happy to hear Luis sing wherever he is in town.