Chris Lopez and Cecille Work Their Magic
Every time you see the words “Chris Lopez Production,” buy tickets to whatever it is, knowing whatever you are about to see will be outstanding. Chris’s magic is written all over the latest, greatest Tribute to Rihanna that opened at The Palm last Friday night. Cecille, an extraordinary young singer/dancer from the other coast of Mexico, also pays tribute to Beyonce. Both famous artists create spectacles at their concerts, and Chris/Cecille do the same, just shrunk down to fit the stage. The choreography is tricky and energetic, and in Rihanna oh so very sexy, indeed. Racy, even. Cecille’s Rihanna makes her Beyonce look wholesome.
There are between 7 and 10 costume changes for the entire crew, and because I sit in the front row, I can see the meticulous detail work, zippers, buckles, corsets, belts, laces, pockets, and flaps that are extraordinary (and difficult to make!) and so closely resemble the originals as to be cloned. My appreciation for fabric equals the quality of a voice, and Cecille can and does bring the house down with her saucy, sensual delivery.
The Starboys and Stargirls appear army-trained in their synchronicity, and their seemingly unending joyful energy continues unabated throughout the concert. Each of them is a star in their own right and, as a team of enthusiastic dancers, unmatched. They are a delight to watch IF you can tear your attention away from the star of the show. That is why I see shows numerous times throughout a run, so I can fully appreciate the intricate details that make a show an unrivaled box office smash.
See this fast-paced, ambitious tribute to Rihanna at The Palm Cabaret on November 8 at 9 pm.
And then there is Kevin Anthony II, a new, successful real estate agent for Ryan Donner and Associates here in Vallarta. He has been selling properties for just over a year; his first client was one of my best friends, Georgia Darehshori, who now lives mere blocks away from me.
Once a month, Kevin changes hats, picks up a microphone, steps up on the stage at Nacho Daddy, backed by the Roxsand Band, and all hell gloriously breaks loose. If LOVE could be personified, it would look just like Kevin Anthony. He is funny, sincere, and infinitely giving of himself.
His fifty years of singing rose to the fore last night, with him presenting all new songs at his season opener to a jam-packed house upstairs at Nacho Daddy. It was so sold out that tickets went on sale immediately for his November 24th show.
Everybody was there – Georgia (of course), Jim Davis, singer Sargento (I helped him eat his French fries), Francesca Bavaro aka Effie Passero, just back to town after playing Carnegie Hall (!!) and who sang Creep beautifully with Kevin, Alison Lo, Francie Nguyen, Starla Sondra Kay, Frank and Lupe Patterson, Rob Burton and Jan Dorland, Cassandra Shaw (Kevin wore one of her stunning bracelets), April Zalesky, Angela Curley and her husband Art, John and Barb McKinney, Chiara and Tom Montante, and a million other fans.
Janathan Rios did a great job on sound and lights, following Kevin around the room whenever he left the stage to say hi personally to someone in the room.
It was an explosive start to what will be Vallarta’s finest entertainment season yet. And is that ever saying something?
I am off to the airport this afternoon to collect my sister Patrice, and everything will be right in the world.