Kitty Litter and New Artist Spotlight
It didn’t rain much yesterday morning, but it was sufficient to cancel our shopping adventure at the tianguis in Coapinole with Rob and Jan. Instead, Patrice and I went to La Comer and Costco, and here comes a shameless plug for the latter. Kitty litter is expensive and becoming more so like everything else; the stuff I use is imported and used to be available ONLY at Costco in a 19 KILO box containing four bags of approximately five kilos apiece. The same company also produces a twenty POUND box with four bags containing five pounds each. They are packaged the same and here’s the kicker – they are priced the same at La Comer and cost more at Petco. For the Americans in Vallarta unused to the metric system, a quick glance shows they are the same. A 19-kilo box at Costco is under 400 pesos; a 20-pound box at Petco is just under 500 pesos – for less than half! So caveat emptor: buy your cat litter at Costco. You’re welcome.
I spent the extra time at home working on a new aspect of Vallarta Mirror and VallartaCalendar.com. We will launch “Artist Spotlight” soon. It will feature some hard facts about our local entertainers and also a look at past, present and future projects these wildly talented people have involved themselves in. It could be an invaluable tool for performing artists – a public bio, and also for venues and producers who need a directory of the finest entertainers in town. Performers can drop me an email, and readers can let me know who they want to know more about, and we’ll get on it this summer. There is magic in the air, people.