The Raicilla Flowed; Calm and Serene Vibe

Congratulations to OPC (Oficina de Proyectos Culturales) on their 10th Anniversary. The Gallery was beautifully appointed – as it always is on an Opening Night. The raicilla flowed, commemorative artisanal bottles were on sale, and the rooftop garden was humming with dozens and dozens of artists and art lovers. A beautiful evening – brava, and many thanks to Pilar Perez, the Director of OPC, and her dedicated staff for another stellar exhibit.

I left OPC and walked over to Pulpito for the official launch of Tryst Resorts. The hotel will be open for guests in September, but owner Tristan Schukraft wanted to get the party started even though there is still work to be done. The show suites are absolutely stunning, with crisp linens, natural fabrics, and colors. The decorations are minimal. The vibe is so restful, calm and serene, and far away from the rooftop pool deck where danceable music was deejayed.

After a short speech announcing further acquisitions and warmly welcoming us all, Tristan introduced (Claude) Cecille (Andre), on loan from The Palm Cabaret, to sing a couple of songs. My god, she is so beautiful, and what a talent.

The sky above us exploded in color with a fantastic fireworks display that went on and on. The champagne flowed—Veuve Cliquot if I am not mistaken.

Welcome to the ‘hood, Tristan, whom I have nicknamed “SuperGayMan.” That made him laugh—Opening Nights are critical, and Tryst Resorts has set a new standard

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