Lunch at Coco’s and a Show at Act2PV

Pride Week starts today – it’s going to be great! Pool parties, bar hopping, lectures, fashion shows, doggie walks, beach parties, and the best, most joyful parade ever.

Selena Luna and I met at Coco’s Kitchen for lunch last week. We put on our “Waldorf and Statler” hats and discussed the good, the bad, and the ugly over strawberry salad and avocado toast. Much laughter ensued, as it always does when we are encased in our bubble of friendship, where we can say anything freely, and usually do! If you have nothing planned for tonight, get over to Arte Vallarta for “Art Convention” starring Alex Balderas, a hilarious one-man show I have seen several times. I think the tiny Moonlight Theater at the top of Olas Altas might just be the perfect venue for Alejandro. I’ll let you know in the morning!

David Duvall wrapped up his monthly concert series at Act2PV Theater‘s Casa Karma Red Room on Sunday. His guest singers – Stephanie Wright Watts, Bobbie Goddard, and David Sabella helped sing the praises of Irving Berlin for well over two hours of meticulously researched film clips, gorgeous ballads, show tunes, and a few farcical, fanciful songs.

Renovations are underway at Act2PV, with all kinds of new things happening almost immediately. Stay tuned here for updates!

The rest of the weekend was full, watching my new kitty Bogie grow into my life. My heart he owns already and we are learning how to live with each other. He has been solitary for a long, long time and can and does spend hours under my bed in the cool darkness; that allows me to work in peace. He brings me such joy.

A far-overdue lunch at Langostinos today with dear Chiara so we can load up on the love before she heads north for the summer.

I will have a full report in the morning on the penultimate Monday of May; with much love to you From Here.

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