Possibilities and Probabilities

I spent all yesterday afternoon exploring new and uncharted parts of Vallarta with good friends and colleagues. Canadian impresario Merv Buchanan and his brilliant technical sound guy, Julio Angeles, picked me up, and off we went to Paso Ancho. We met up with Kurt Sinner, (remember El Rio BBQ Bar?), switched vehicles, and continued our deep dive into jungle, small villages, the occasional gigantic, walled mansion (!!) and lunch.

Merv has been importing fabulous tribute shows from Canada or the US to Mexico for well over a decade. His shows have been enthusiastically attended throughout the country and closer to home at El Rio, Incanto, The Palm, and Luna Lounge in Bucerias. Part of our lunch chatter was discussing different venues and new and past shows that we thought would be great additions or encore performances.

It occurred to me just now that El Rio BBQ Bar closed its doors a year ago in May. Yes, the 14th was their last day. Please, a moment of silence.

Moving forward, it was exciting to ponder the possibilities and probabilities. Stay tuned here for details as they present themselves

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